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"You are muted on this server" - WHY?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016, 11:33
by cathy_craggs
Hi to all my friends,

I play in the BC2 Stratego zone. My handle is CathyCraggs and for a while now I have been unable to use chat feature - "You have been muted" is what I get.

Can I have this removed please?

I am a regular player and it is a bit of a nuisance.

All the regulars try to talk to me but I can't reply - I was directed to this forum to get it sorted out.

PLease help!


Posted: 06 Dec 2016, 12:21
by Nino-6-years
Hi Cathy.

I think there is a risk to get muted automatically, if the ingame chat filter detects to many words, that he considers as bad language. You don't even have to use bad language, even regular words from different languages are censored sometimes, because they are similar to english insults etc.
This happened to quite a few people, here is one example:
He tried to tell a funny story on russian and got muted. :D
Also the admin gave an explanation about foreign language (neither english, nor german) in that topic.

Take this as an advice for the future, so you don't get muted again, if the admins will unmute you.

Posted: 11 Dec 2016, 18:34
by cathy_craggs
Can a mod or admin please respond to this thread please?

Posted: 13 Dec 2016, 17:17
by [RC]Hunter
Replied to a PM.
Topic closed.