Teamspeak 3 Changelog

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21 Dec 2009, 21:05

Hallo zusammen,
wer sich unter Umständen damit befasst weiss es schon, ansonsten auch für alle anderen hier der Hinweis.
Der Nachfolger des bekannten Teamspeak 2 ist seit dem 19. Dezember zur Beta freigegeben. Ich habe heute einen TS 3 Server aufgesetzt und er steht zum Testen zur Verfügung.

Wie es mit neuen Versionen nun mal so ist, erfährt der TS 3 eigentlich fast täglich ein paar Nachbesserungen und man muss entweder die Server oder eben die Client Seite auf den neuesten Stand bringen.

Die aktuellen Version stehen immer unter zum Download bereit. Jeder kann sich dort die jeweils gültige Client Version herunterladen und installieren. Das Updaten bei einer bereits installierten Client Version ist relativ unproblematisch. Somit geht man kein großes Risiko ein.

Wer sich nicht so oft mit der Materie befasst, hier in kurzen Worten die wichtigen Neuerungen:
  • Teamspeak 3 soll neben der verbesserten Sprachqualität primär die Latency, sprich die Sprachverzögerung, minimieren. Neue Codecs wurden dafür programmiert. Dies gilt es natürlich zu testen.
  • Das Sicherheitssystem ist ein anderes und wenn ihr euch den Client installiert habt, so wird eine eindeutige Kennung (unabhängig vom Benutzernamen) angelegt. Diese dient in Zukunft zur eigentlichen Indentifizierung.
  • Es gibt einige neue Funktionen welche unter Umständen für manchen Benutzer den Rahmen sprengen, aber speziell im Benutzerbereich kann man nun zum Beispiel persönliche Informationen und ein Avatar (wie das Benutzerbild in einem Forum) hinterlegen.
  • Speziell im Bereich Sprachqualität gibt es nun einige mehr Funktionalitäten zum Einstellen des Mikrofons und der Unterdrückung von Echo oder Rauscheffekten. Die soll aktuelle Hardware besser adressieren und somit eventuelle Probleme - wie sie unter Teamspeak 2 stellenweise existierten - beheben.
Der =]RC[= TS 3 Server ist wie folgt zu erreichen:

Server / IP-Adresse:
Port: 9987

Ich werde dieses Topic immer wieder verwenden, so lange TS 3 in der Beta Phase steckt und eventuelle Updates freigegeben wurden.

Wurde die Beta Phase für TS3 beendet, bzw. zeigt sich eine aktuelle Beta als stabil und effektiver als TS2, so wird Teamspeak 3 unseren aktuellen TS 2 Server ersetzen. Also sollte sich jeder relativ zeitnah schon einmal mit Teamspeak 3 auseinander setzen.


=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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22 Dec 2009, 08:40

[RC]Hunter wrote: [*]Es gibt einige neue Funktionen welche unter Umständen für manchen Benutzer den Rahmen sprengen, aber speziell im Benutzerbereich kann man nun zum Beispiel persönliche Informationen und ein Avatar (wie das Benutzerbild in einem Forum) hinterlegen.
also DAS geht schon mal nicht... egal welche größe (10x10 oder 100x100 oder noch größer), kommt ständig mit "invalid size"... dafür funzt der phonetische nickname, erinntert mich an ventrilo... ;)

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

22 Dec 2009, 09:56

Geht bei mir alles problemlos.

Aber eh, Du sollst den Huey net reinzwengen, dass ist nun mal unmöglich ... aber ... *hint* ... wenn schon nicht mal Deine Forum Signature funktioniert, wie soll denn dann ein Avatar ins TS ... rofl ...

=]RC[= Hunter
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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

22 Dec 2009, 12:00

Server seitiges Update, keine Änderung am Client:

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=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta3 21 Dec 2009
- tokenadd checks for PERMISSION_i_group_needed_member_add_power
- fixed tokenadd with channel groups not used correctly
- handle select failures for tcp connections more properly
- fixed PERMISSION_b_channel_join_ignore_maxclients
+ client nickname change added to flood protection (small)
+ clientpoke added to flood protection (middle)
+ inform windows users about the virtualserver token
Beta 3 ab sofort installiert.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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23 Dec 2009, 11:28

Update Server Seite:

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=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta5 22 Dec 2009
- query password ban returns now a proper error message
- channelgroup && servergroup deleting checks for modify power
- fixed possibility that you set PERMISSION_i_group_needed_modify_power beyond
  your own power
- fixed not checking PERMISSION_i_client_move_power correctly while clientmove
- fixed possibly deadlock  
+ added permission PERMISSION_b_virtualserver_modify_priority_speaker_dimm_modificator
  you need to manually add this permission if you are upgrading the server
+ added PERMISSION_b_virtualserver_modify_log_settings  
  you need to manually add this permission if you are upgrading the server
  to virtualserver properties
  default logging disabled except for permissions
! default permissions are more end-user friendly
! beta4 skipped
Und auch der Client ist nun ein Beta5 Release:

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=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta5 - 22 Dec 2009 ===
* Added "Logs" tab to virtualserver edit dialog to configure server logging.
* When update or blacklist server cannot be reached, print info instead of
  warning log.
* Added confirmation dialog when removing grant permissions
- Whisper List: Some tweaks when the last list was removed
- "Activate microphone automatically" didn't work correctly with PTT
- 3D Sound: Prevent multiple "Cannot disband..."- dialogs
- Filetransfer: Downloading a link does no longer crash
- Don't show the permission error message when closing ServerQuery window
* Added "Join Channel of Client" and "Move Client to own Channel" to context
  menu opened on client in chat log.
- Do not show "Failed to open permissions cache file for reading" message when
  cache file does not exist.
* Fixed checks in virtualserver edit dialog bandwidth and quota fields. Range
  is now from -1 to 2^64 - 1. "-1" means maximum value for convinience.
* Added debug output showing config path when it cannot be saved
* Implemented channel phonetic name. See channel edit dialog to set it.
* Added option to disable middle mouse button shortcuts in tree (See
  Applications options page)
* Bluesky update: Fixed toolbar and toolbar close buttons in bluesky_linux.
  Fixed broken labels in channel 3D sound widget.
* Added default_mac.qss and bluesky_mac.qss to overwrite special Mac app bundle
  paths to the styles directory.
* Add win32/win64 to dump filename
* Added missing apps.ini to installer
* Added new setting to select between "Subscribe to all channels" and
  "Subscribe to current and previously subscribed channels". With the first,
  you will subscribe to all channels on login and stay subscribed when you
  switch channels. While you can unsubscribe channels manually, you will
  resubscribe to all channels on next login again. With the second, you will
  subscribe only to the current channel on login plus any channels subscribed
  in a previous connection to this server. Switching channels will unsubscribe
  you, unless it was a "remembered" subscription.
* Now unused Autosubscribe all and Autounsubscribe checkboxes removed from
  Design options page
- When connecting via ts3server:// link, use default identity, capture,
  playback and hotkey profiles
* Nickname length increased to 30 characters
* Limit phonetics nickname length to 30 characters
* Phonetics nickname simplified. Instead of entering the format phonetic
  alphabet name, just enter the desired name itself, e.g. "Peter", "Ralf".
* Typo fix German translation ("Konflicht").
* Changed German translation for "poke" to "anstupsen".
* Removed detailed settings for warn-when-talking-while-muted, option by
  default on
* Check if notifications sound is enabled for warn-when-muted, automatically
  enable and warn user if sound script is missing
* Added checks to warn-when-muted activation: Not away, not headset muted, not
* Check for update only once per day
- Fixed a possible crash that could occure when the capture device was closed
  (for example when changing devices in local test mode)
Server auf Beta 5 upgedated.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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23 Dec 2009, 19:47

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=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta6 23 Dec 2009
- fixed PERMISSION_i_client_needed_move_power not taking all aspects into account
- fixed PERMISSION_b_channel_modify_sortorder not used
- fixed tcp flooding bug
+ dont print company name for none profit licenses to logfile
+ added crashdump support for win32/win64

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

28 Dec 2009, 13:15

Updates Client:

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=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta7 - 25 Dec 2009 ===
* In the virtualserver edit dialog, show a warning when selecting a permanent
  server or channel group as default, as this will remove all users from the
- Fixed bug with empty serverquery tree items
* Support PHP banner URLs like for example:
- Fixed warn-while-muted setting not loading from config on application start
- Disable autoreconnect on invalid password error to avoid ending in an
  infinite reconnect loop
- ServerQuery can no longer take over a chattab, when clientID of the queryclient
  matches the clientID of a recently gone chatpartner. (wip!)
- Fixed bad mirrors.ini

=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta6 - 23 Dec 2009 ===
- Mac: Fixed path to 3d_test.wav
* Client no longer ignores i_client_serverquery_view_power permission.
* TokenManager: Add Token ComboBoxes now preselect the default groups
* Updated German translation
- Prevent enabling VAD/continuous transmission via options dialog when
  force-push-to-talk permission is set
* Dont raise TS3 windows except filebrowser when dragging a file over any
  client window
* VirtualServerEdit: Save and restore window geometry
* Added error message when creating folder failed
- Fixed possible crash in whisperlistmanager when deleting channels which were
  added to a whisperlist
* Permissions filter now case insensitive
- Fixed handling skip flag in permissions overview
* Display "Forced" in skip column of permissions overwhen when skip is enforced
  via b_client_skip_channelgroup_permission
* Permissions filter now case insensitive
- 3d Sound: TestUsers were no longer multiplied when toggling 3d sound
- Channel edit event did not change the channel phonetic name
- Updater: Added timeout for 5 seconds. Otherwise the updater hangs infinite if
  the update server cannot be reached.
- Middle mouse button didn't work with bookmark submenus
- Run disabled check on menus on server tab change
- Fixed crash with invalid client links
- Fixed all serverconnections being lost if you press a hotkey for Connect to
- BookmarkManager: Fixed IDs and statistics of duplicated entries.

Updates Server:

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=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta10 27 Dec 2009
- Fixed bug that could lead to the server sending UDP packets with the
  network interface max capacity. Only systems with a instable system clock
  were affected.
- Fixed a deadlock that could freeze the server so it no longer responded 
- fixed PERMISSION_b_channel_delete_* behaviour
- prevent a memleak using pthread_create that could lead to a CRITICAL error
  message when the filetransfer port was attacked by many thousand connections
+ text messages added to flood protection (small)
! clientdblist takes now optional parameters "start" and "duration"
  default values are start=0, duration=25

=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta9 26 Dec 2009
- prevent denial of service on filetransfer port, that could also cause ASSERT failures

=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta8 25 Dec 2009
- fixed possible crash while unregistering a query client
- fixed possible case where clients got deleted from wrong groups
+ added CLIENT_VERSION, CLIENT_PLATFORM to clientlist (new parameter -info)
+ added VIRTUALSERVER_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER to serverlist (new parameter -uid)
! VIRTUALSERVER_HOSTBANNER_GFX_INTERVAL dont accepts values between 1-59

=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta7 24 Dec 2009
- minor tcp stack improvements
+ added permission log entries for changing default groups
! updated to sqlite 3.6.21

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

29 Dec 2009, 12:02

Update Client:

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=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta8 - 29 Dec 2009 ===
- Ignoring "file://" which can start local executables
- Fixed a bug while whispering and reconnecting
- Fixed bug that could lead to the client sending UDP packets with the
  network interface max capacity. Only systems with a instable system clock
  were affected.
- Fixed small memleak
- Fixed invalid detection of racing/flight device equipment
- Sort clients also by is_talker status in tree view

Update Server:

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=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta11 29 Dec 2009
- throw an ERROR_client_to_many_clones_connected while connecting 
  instead of an PERMISSION_i_client_max_clones permission error
  they are no longer required to talk.
- properly handle PERMISSION_i_channel_max_depth and PERMISSION_i_channel_min_depth
  while creating a channel
+ added CLIENT_ID to whoami
- remove log spam that occured when oversized UPD packets were received

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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31 Dec 2009, 16:24

[RC]Hunter wrote:Geht bei mir alles problemlos.
lol, klar, admin darf ja eh immer alles :P
[RC]Hunter wrote: Aber eh, Du sollst den Huey net reinzwengen, dass ist nun mal unmöglich ... aber ... *hint* ... wenn schon nicht mal Deine Forum Signature funktioniert, wie soll denn dann ein Avatar ins TS ... rofl ...
gar nicht gemerkt, rofl, wird gleich behoben ;)

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

04 Jan 2010, 12:01

Client Update:

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=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta9 - 31 Dec 2009
+ In client context menu, grant and revoke talk power was separated
- Whisper List can now be set up with identical names. The path will also be
  shown in the list to make clear, which channel is used.
- Prevent showing of bb- or html- code in (meta data) info frame
- Fixed a strange chat tab behavior
- ServerQuery or other clients can no longer take over a chattab, when clientID
  of the recently gone chatpartner matches.
- Fixed that users no longer can display local images in chat.

Server Update:

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=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta12 31 Dec 2009
- fixed overlooked case where a client could post a talk request although
  is_talker was granted
- fixed general channel create behaviour
- fixed sendServerGroupClientList database usage problems
+ added CLIENT_IS_TALKER to clienlist (parameter -voice)  

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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