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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

20 Dec 2019, 14:28

Hello everybody,

We would like to introduce a new system being added to our website allowing users to achieve badges being applied to their profiles.
Once you will gain a badge, you will automatically receive a notification for it.

We believe this rewards active users within our community to display their achievements on their profiles.

Once you received a badge and more, you can manage their display at any time via your User Control Panel:


All badges you ever receive to your account will stay within your profile display as a history record. But the display at next to your forum account will be limited due to space. Therefore, if you received several badges over time, you define by clicking the star button to favorite/unfavorite a badge. Favorites are shown first on your profile.

How do I earn a badge?

You can obtain badges based on the amount of forum posts made or membership years being registered at our website.
Furthermore there are some badges which require a specific task to be accomplished.

Only active users performing a login to our website and posting into our forums will receive any of the possible badges. If you register and never post anything, you will not gain anything.

An overview about currently available badges be reviewed here here.

These three badges required extra actions in order to gain them:

Steam group batch
After you joined our steam group, post a message there to the admins or moderators of this group. If you use a different username at our website, make sure to name them.

Twitter bage
Once you follow us on twitter, make sure to drop a message to our ClusterWarsHQ twitter account via your twitter account and call the username you use here at our boards.

Well in order to become a teamspeak user with an access level "Friendly Player", you will have to join our TS3 server and contact me afterwards directly with a private message here within our website.

Only board notifications?

By default board notifications are active but no email messages to your account. This is in place by default based on our policy.
If you wish to receive email notifications you need to turn them on within your "User Control Panel" under "Board Preferences":


Existing users with higher post counts or membership years should not be surprised if the gain several badges at once if they post next time. ;)

Any questions? Let us know.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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