RS2 Vietnam: Update 1.09 Changelog

Informationen zu den Spielen Red Orchestra / Rising Storm und Rising Storm Vietnam, sowie unseren damit verbundenen Servern
All about the games Red Orchestra / Rising Storm and Rising Storm Vietnam, as well our related game servers
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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

26 Jul 2018, 11:43


Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - 1.09 Patch Notes

New Additions

One-Handed Sprinting

Back by popular demand! One-handed sprinting animations return for players fighting for the NVA and NLF. We have re-worked these animations, and improved them to fit the aesthetic of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. As always, thank you to the community for your feedback!

Since the CTB we have made a couple of changes to these new one-handed sprinting animations; synchronising the gestures with footsteps and increasing the speed of the arms’ swing. We also fixed a bug with the system which was located in the CTB which could cause the animation to become jerky if the player moved erratically.

New Foldable Stock Functionality

Folding your weapon’s stock now provides various benefits to the player. This feature (by default activated using the C key) now decreases ADS time and increases movement speed when using iron sights by 40%.

Changes to Grenade Blast Radius and suppression

Hand grenade total blast radius has been reduced by 2.5 meters from its value in 1.08, and grenade suppression has been reduced by 30%. This number, and suppression value (which had previously been a reduction of 5m and no change to suppression) has been tweaked in response to the Russian RS2 community, who fed back to us after playing in the CTB - thank you for your feedback!

Improved Inventory Keybinds

After listening to community feedback we have split the inventory out across different keys, to allow people to more quickly select equipment, and avoid selecting unintended items when switching weapons. The new bindings are as follows:

Primary Weapon
Secondary Weapon
Smoke Grenades (Smoke, Signal)
Hand Grenades
Place-able Equipment (Traps, Place-ables)
Other Equipment (Mattock, Binoculars)

Persistent Weapon Preferences

Weapons now ‘save’ the configuration they were in when players previously equipped them. Items like semi-automatic fire, sight ranging, bipod deployment, and bayonet attachments now persist through death, meaning that when you spawn with a weapon it is pre-configured to your preferences.

Weapon Pickup Highlights

Items which can be picked up by players (weapons, traps, etc) now glow when targeted, giving players a better idea of what they’re going to actually pick up when looking at a pile of dropped weapons.

SKS Recoil & Reload Changes

Due to community feedback we have sped up the SKS reload by around 1 second - this should help balance the rifle against the other semi automatic battle rifles in the game. Additionally, the horizontal recoil of the SKS has been reduced to make follow up shots easier to make.

Reduced Bandaging Times

In response to community feedback we are lowering the time it takes to bandage wounds in 1.09 - the specific changes to bandaging times are as follows:

Lowered fast bleed bandage time by 4 seconds
Lowered medium bleed bandage time by 2 seconds
Lowered slow bleed bandage time by 1 seconds


Territories: QuangTri


Territory Mode Quang Tri pits the ARVN against the NVA in a battle which begins outside the citadel walls, culminating in the defence of the ARVN’s base of operations for the region.

Territories: Operation Forrest


We’re also showcasing a new, larger, longer, Territories Mode Operation Forrest, featuring a new set of objectives for the Australian Army to defend before flowing into the original Territories Mode layout of the map released with 1.06.

Optimization: Hue City and Firebase Georgina

We have taken measures to optimize both Firebase Georgina and Hue City in response to community reports that these maps performed poorly on some machines. As always, thank you for your feedback, and please report if these maps have improved performance! Some of these changes include tweaks to grass render distance on Firebase Georgina, as well as ensuring appropriate draw distances for buildings and effects on Hue City.

A Sau - Objective C Spawn Protection

Reworked the Spawn Protection on A Sau to allow the attackers to more easily assault Objective C.

Art and Animation

New Character Animations

We have added new character animations to various actions and events! These include third person spotting animations, so you can see when players around you point out enemy targets, animations for disarming traps (which now takes a few seconds rather than being instant), animations for jumping and falling, and a first person reaction to being burned alive.

Historical PAVN Camouflage

Adjusted the PAVN Camouflage to more closely match historical reference, and added a green camo variant material to all PAVN Camouflage Pattern gear.

New Foliage Camouflage

Level 65+ players fighting for the NVA and NLF will now be able to use (previously dev only) foliage camouflage rings, which attach leaves to their backs. This was a common community request we’re happy to oblige.

Improved Squad Tunnel Art

We’ve changed the way squad tunnels work - this should allow squad tunnels to display shadows properly while planting, and generally improve the way they look across the board.

Water Movement PFX

We have added effects which play as players move through water - this should be especially noticeable on VNTE-Operation Forrest when moving through the waist-high water of the delta.

Improved Signal Smoke

The effect for Signal Smoke now works similarly to the M8 Smoke Grenade, and is affected by the wind and gives a small amount of ground coverage. This effect does not last as long as the M8 Smoke Grenade smoke.

Muzzle Flash Illumination

We have introduced environmental muzzle flash illumination to the game - meaning that now, when you fire your weapon, the area around the weapon’s barrel will be lit by the muzzle flash! Some long-time players may remember was a feature during the Closed Beta of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, which was disabled shortly before release.

Please note that this feature still has some issues when playing the game using Instanced Rendering, and is currently undergoing further work to be released with Patch 1.1 further down the line.


Improved Killfeed

Now when getting kills at various ‘critical hit’ zones, which would usually replace the weapon icon in the killfeed, the weapon and critical hit zone are both displayed to players.

Verbose Resupply Points

Resupply points now give players feedback as to what they’re being supplied while re-arming. This lets players know when they have received items like ammunition, grenades, and bandages on a per-weapon basis.

More Accolades for the After Action Report Screen

We have added more player callouts to the after action report screen! These include ‘Most Objective Points’, ‘Most Co-operative’ (which tracks spot assists, ammo supply, protection, disarming and rally point scores), and ‘Best Squad Leader’.

Improved Commander Messaging

Any player in the ‘Commander’ role now has their text show up as white in team chat. This will hopefully allow players to more easily identify orders, and messages of tactical importance. Commander Abilities are now also tracked in the player statistics menu.

Quick Match/Server Queue Improvements

Added a timeout limit to the server queue to prevent players from queuing indefinitely for servers which are no longer reachable


Homeland Security Cosmetic DLC Pack




Dress like Uncle Ho's watching! Make your families proud (of your dress sense) as you defend the homeland with this exclusive pack of customization items for the Northern Forces.

Contains new customization items for the PAVN and NLF forces



Added Turkish to the languages available to with which to play Rising Storm 2: Vietnam! Further updates to this language will follow in 1.1, and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the team of Turkish RS2 players who translated the game into their language! Teşekkür ederim!


Added a custom binding for 1-100% collective in helicopter bindings - this should allow players to use HOTAS to set up custom helicopter flight peripherals
Made it far easier for players to pick up dropped weapons, and reduced the forward momentum of dropped weapons so that players can more consistently drop weapons at their feet
Disabled free-roam spectator camera as a dead player - this is to prevent exploits in competitive play. Free-roam spectator is of course still available for players who are spectating the match.
Improved the post-death camera fade to black, and doubled the time it takes to go from dead to the deployment menu
Increased the number of batteries involved in the PAVN Heavy Artillery strike from 5 to 6
Reworded ‘Squadmates Nearby’ on the HUD to say ‘Squad Bonus’, to make it clearer to players that being near squadmates imparts bonuses
Changed the color of interaction text prompts on the screen to Yellow
Improved the background of the text chat box
Increased the amount of time it takes to mount/dismount a DshK to 21 frames
Lowered the number of Legacy Asset References from RO2/RS1 loaded into memory from startup and other memory optimizations
Added a server setting to disable mid-match map voting for server admins which want this function
Muting players voice chat via the scoreboard now also disables their text chat
Added support for .wem and .bnk files to the Steam Workshop, as well as support for 16:9 images

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

26 Jul 2018, 12:04


  • Fixed an issue where Southern Forces players were not receiving points for disarming Northern Force’s traps
  • Fixed an issue where if a player dies whilst mounted on a DSHK the spectator camera locks onto the sky rather than showing the first person death animation. The player would then have to open the deployment screen by pressing enter
  • Fixed an issue where if two squad leaders have called in markers for an artillery strike and a commander changes the target whilst calling the strike in, all points will be given to the wrong squad leader
  • Fixed an issue where crouching would adversely affect players’ weapon bob when using pistols
  • Fixed an issue where, if a Squad Tunnel was damaged by the team that it belongs to and is then destroyed by the opposing team, the team members that damaged it would lose 25 points
  • Fixed an issue where the arrows that show an incoming a napalm strike on the overhead map do not point in the direction that the aircraft is coming from
  • Fixed a variety of issues relating to helicopters taking damage; an issue where rotors were not being damaged by explosives, an issue where hts to the tail boom would destroy the helicopter rather than damaging the tail rotor and helicopters occasionally surviving lethal hits to their rotors from rockets and grenades
  • Fixed various issues with the NLF and PAVN commander ability ‘ambush deployment’, where players would occasionally fail to spawn, or spawn incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where the ammo supply would occasionally not resupply ammo if player’s inventory still contained some of the ammo
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to receive ‘The Untouchables’ achievement without having to use the M1A1 Thompson
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to stick C4 to helicopters and detonate it even if the helicopter was outside of the detonation area
  • Fixed an issue where grenades could damage the rotor of a helicopter even if they didn’t explode resulting in the helicopter being brought down
  • Fixed an issue where a player could wound a teammate then change teams and receive a kill score when the wounded player died
  • Fixed an issue where a player could wound an enemy and then change teams and receive a team kill deduction when the wounded player died
  • Fixed an issue where if a pilot was flying a helicopter at rounds end their character mesh would remain floating in the air during the next round
  • Fixed an issue where the disarm trap prompt would appear on friendly traps even when the player was not able to disarm them
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to move previously planted C4 and Claymores to a new location by switching their equipped weapon after the C4 or Claymore had been planted
  • Fixed an issue where dead players were kicked from the server for idling once reinforcements had ran out if the idle time was greater than the length of the ongoing battle
  • Fixed an issue where helicopters colliding with players would cause their bodies to be flung into the sky
  • Fixed an issue where scouts pressing ‘G’ to throw a grenade would by default throw a smoke grenade and if a player still had smoke grenades they could not use ‘G’ to throw frag grenades
  • Fixed an issue where if a squad leader under level 15 had their mattock equipped and the preview mesh for digging a squad tunnel was present and they then lost command of the squad, the squad tunnel preview mesh would persist and not be able to be removed
  • Fixed an issue where players could pick up dropped weapons through walls
  • Fixed an issue where players mounted on the DSHK that were hit by the Cobra’s rockets whilst reloading would continue the reload animation instead of dying
  • Fixed a bug where spectator camera was unable to spectate both teams - this does not affect dead players who have chosen a team
  • Fixed a variety of snags, hitches, and floating terrain across all maps
  • Fixed an issue across all maps where realtime reflections on water were adversely affected by foreground objects
  • Fixed an issue on various maps where trees located on distant mountains were not interacting with fog correctly

An Lao Valley
  • Fixed an issue on both the Territory and Supremacy versions of An Lao where players couldn’t mantle over a log
  • Fixed an issue on both the Territory and Supremacy versions of An Lao where players couldn’t walk up a hill and were pushed back when they tried
  • Fixed an issue where the overhead map on Supremacy An Lao Valley was not correctly synced
  • Fixed an issue on both the Territory and Supremacy versions of AnLao where the overhead map was not correctly synced around Objective C

  • Fixed several holes in the terrain through which players could fall to their deaths on Asau
  • Fixed an issue on Asau where players could fall through the map near Objective B
  • Fixed an issue on Asau where some trees north of Objective A lacked collision
  • Fixed an issue where the overhead map of Asau didn’t show a ruined bunker near Objective C
  • Fixed an issue on Asau where fire effects on a destroyed Loach near the final objective were positioned behind some nearby terrain meshes
  • Fixed an issue on Asau where there was a small hole in the map near Objective C
  • Fixed an issue on Asau where players could not bipod machine guns on various sandbag bunkers throughout the map
  • Fixed an issue on Asau where trenches to the north of Objective B had cracks in their meshes
  • Fixed an issue on Asau where players could mantle on to the roof of a bunker that was supposed to be inaccessible
  • Fixed an issue on Asau to the north west of Objective C where two wooden planks were not joined together correctly resulting in them shifting through each other
  • Fixed an issue on Asau on Objective B where some sandbags that created a lookout station had no collision

  • Fixed an issue on both Territories and Skirmish Compound where the spectator camera would bump into objects whilst panning across the map
  • Fixed an issue on Territories Compound where the map was called Compound Skirmish on the scoreboard
  • Fixed an issue on Skirmish Compound where an explosion texture was applied to a driveway but not on the adjacent street

Cu Chi
  • Fixed an issue where players’ movement could be blocked by a collision volume when trying to move through a doorway in Objective A on Cu Chi
  • Fixed an issue on Cu Chi where the lighting was uneven inside the Objective D bunker
  • Fixed an issue on Territories Cu Chi where a pylon placed inside a bush was breaking the navmesh for a section of the map
  • Fixed an issue on Cu Chi where players were unable to mantle over the windscreen of a jeep
  • Fixed an issue on a tunnel in Cu Chi where players were receiving the prompt that they could not use their primary weapons incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue on Cu Chi where a water shader under a bridge was rendering the water cloudy when it should have been clear
  • Fixed an issue on Cu Chi where a tree to the south east of Objective A was missing collision
  • Fixed an issue on Objective D of Cu Chi where a wooden crate clipped into the platform it was resting on
  • Fixed an issue on Cu chi where a trolley was clipping with the rails it was resting on

  • Improved the collision on the trenches of Firebase and the post structures that run through the trenches, preventing players from getting snagged while running past them
  • Fixed an issue on Firebase where attempting to mantle over some crates south east of Objective B would cause the player to become stuck
  • Fixed an issue where players could become snagged and bounce off collision inside one of the shacks on Firebase

Hill 937
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 on a ladder leading out of a tunnel to the north of Objective C where, if a player crouched and then climbed the ladder at an offset angle the player would be unable to get out of the passage and would occasionally be thrown into the air
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 north of Objective C where the tunnel entrance mesh clipped into the roof of the tunnel
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 on the west side of Objective E where players could get snagged whilst on the roof of a bunker by the collision on some nearby punji sticks
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 were some plant meshes were incorrectly duplicated
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 where the flames of a trio of candles were incorrectly placed on the floor
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 where some walkway boards floated above the ground
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 on Objective A where there was a seam in the corner of a building
  • Fixed an issue on Hill 937 to the east of Objective A where there was a dark seam in the ground

Hue City
  • Fixed an issue on Supremacy Hue City where the ground near the corners of the pond did not have collision and players could fall through the map and become stuck
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City in grid reference F6 where players could get stuck whilst crawling through the gutter along the street
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City where cover objects near Objective A and Objective B would cull out and could no longer be seen from the tower on Objective C. This resulted in snipers on Objective C being unable to see if their targets were behind cover
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City near Objective A, where players couldn’t mantle over sandbags while crouched
  • Fixed an issue on Territories Hue City where the stone walls on Objective E and Objective F were not lit
  • Fixed an issue in Territories Hue City where the US radios would not deactivate as objectives were captured
  • Fixed an issue where the temple wall textures on Hue City changed material as a player approached
  • Fixed an issue on Territories Hue City to the east of the apartments where players would clip with a wall when mantling over a table. Also fixed a similar issue to the south of the apartments where players would clip with a wall when mantling over a shelving unit
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City where a building near the US Spawn site was not casting a shadow onto the street
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City north of Objective A where an interior of a building was pitch black when viewed from the exterior
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City where geometries were flickering on a wall inside Objective A
  • Fixed an issue in a tunnel leading into Objective C of Hue City where a shard of exterior light appeared erroneously underground
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City where the US radio on Objective C was unlit once the objective had been captured
  • Fixed an issue on Hue City where some water patched were solid for projectiles and grenades

  • Fixed a variety of open seams on LongTan, mostly on the water just south of Objective E
  • Fixed an issue on Territories LongTan where just north of Objective A players who went prone on a rock could see through the asset
  • Fixed an issue on LongTan inside Objective E where a destroyed building was incorrectly playing the audio for interior rain when it should have played the audio for exterior rain

Ninh Phu
  • Fixed an issue on Ninh Phu Territories where players spawning behind objective were able to be spawn killed by artillery

Operation Forrest
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest where the water collision settings were incorrect resulting in grenades bouncing off water as though it were solid
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest where the marker for an artillery strike would not be visible if placed near a body of water
  • Fixed an issue where players could mantle onto trees that they should not have been able to mantle on to
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest Supremacy in quadrant H8 where the railings of a bridge would cull out too quickly
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest where some locations would add an echo to reload audio
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest where the edges of the overhead map did not align with the player location
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest near Objective A where when a player went prone they would be able to see through a rock
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest where the water particle effect was rendering incorrectly when players would shoot too close to the lily pads
  • Fixed an issue on Operation Forrest where players could become stuck on the collision of an outhouse

  • Fixed an issue on Quang Tri where pilots could see through buildings and other objects when flying at great distances, allowing pilots to easily spot player silhouettes
  • Fixed an issue on Quang Tri to the south of Objective C where there was a incorrect shadow cast
  • Fixed an issue on Quang Tri near Objective D where a terrain texture was casting erroneous shadows
  • Fixed an issue on Quang Tri where a small wall across the river from Objective E had erroneous shadows cast upon it
  • Fixed an issue where entering an underground area using a ladder on Quang Tri would cause the player to switch to their secondary weapon
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to inappropriately dig a Squad Tunnel on tiled flooring inside a house on Quang Tri
  • Fixed a potential exploit where players were able to mantle out of bounds and into unintended locations atop the citadel walls on Quang Tri

  • Fixed an issue on Skirmish Riverbed where a growth of bamboo had no collision

Rung Sac
  • Fixed various issues on Rung Sac where mantaling was delayed or not as smooth on certain obstacles
  • Fixed an issue on Rung Sac where fences on Objective A were lacking collision
  • Fixed an issue on Rung Sac where a bamboo fence on the Objective B Australian spawn location lacked collision
  • Fixed an issue where, at the back of a tunnel, there was no texture on a sewage pipe
  • Fixed an issue on Rung Sac where standing on barbed wire on Objective A didn’t cause the player to take damage
  • Fixed an issue on Rung Sac where there was no texture at the end of a tunnel

  • Fixed an issue on Song Be on Objective A where players could get permanently stuck between a set of punji sticks and a wooden pit box
  • Fixed an issue on Song Be where players were getting snagged on a raised piece of ground on Objective A
  • Fixed an issue on Supremacy Song Be where the Vietnamese spawn tunnels were lit much brighter than the surrounding area
  • Fixed an issue on Song Be where a punji trap had the incorrect texture

  • Fixed an issue on Temple where a wall on Objective B was not blocking light or casting a shadow
  • Fixed an issue on Temple where an unnecessary mantle prompt appeared on the floor on Objective A

  • Fixed an issue where the audio for shooting a helmet would play incorrectly when shooting a dead player in the head
  • Fixed an issue where the F1 SMG single shot firing audio stopped suddenly when heard in third person
  • Fixed an issue where the DSHK wasn’t playing the third person single shot audio correctly
  • Fixed an issue where when mounting or dismounting a mountable gun the equip audio would play
  • Fixed an issue where the explosion audio from the M79 Grenade Launcher was too loud when fired at close range
  • Fixed an issue where the grenade explosion audio clip would play before its location was determined

Art and Animation
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to mantle over the windscreen when attempting to climb over the M151 American Jeep
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to raise your binoculars in enemy controlled territory would cause the player to bring empty hands to their face, rather than the actual binoculars
  • Fixed an issue with the third person M1A1 Thompson animation where the bolt appeared to move slower that the rate of fire when in fully automatic mode
  • Fixed an issue with the first person one handed sprint animation where the player’s hands would sometimes flicker when going prone from sprinting
  • Fixed an issue with the first person one handed animation where if a player has the L1A1 or L2A1 equipped and attempts to sprint the characters left hands would move erratically across the screen
  • Fixed an issue with the third person M1A1 Thompson animation where the full reload animation showed the bolt being pulled back incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue with all first person weapon animations where if a player went into ironsights whilst crouched the weapon would quickly move from side to side before stabilizing to the center
  • Fixed an issue where if a player was killed whilst bandaging the bandage would remain on screen as the player died
  • Fixed an issue where the PAVN camouflage was inaccurate
  • Fixed various issues with the third person animation when holstering from iron sights
  • Fixed an issue where when the player dismounted the DSHK their third person animation would play the equip animation of a rifle, regardless of the weapon they were actually equipping
  • Fixed an issue where the first person RPG animation would play the incorrect animation when going prone and when standing from prone
  • Fixed an issue with all third person animations when switching to the primary weapon whilst crouched showed the weapon in the incorrect location before appearing in the player’s hands
  • Fixed an issue with the M1A1 Thompson third person animation where the bolt appeared to only move once for every third shot in fully automatic mode
  • Fixed an issue with the Ithaca M37 Shotgun where the folded bayonet was visible, sticking out of the stock, when crawling whilst prone
  • Fixed an issue where the first person animation of a player reloading the DSHK continued to play even after the player had been killed
  • Fixed an issue where the third person pilot texture would reset to default when it left the relevancy of another player
  • Fixed an issue with the first person pistol animation where, when a player moved from ironsights to a melee attack, the pistol would drop before the player initiated the attack
  • Fixed an issue where the third person animation of the PPSH-41 showed the thumb clipping through the top of the magazine
  • Fixed an issue with the third person animation of the PPSH-41 where the player didn’t pull the trigger when the weapon was fired
  • Fixed an issue where dropped RPG-7s would appear to have a rocket in them even when the weapon was dropped empty

  • Fixed an issue where if a player was using a 4k monitor the HUD player names and Chevron markers were small and hard to read
  • Fixed an issue where Chevrons and Player names would appear at an inappropriately small size when playing the game in 4K
  • Fixed an issue where weapon names and inventory icons would not scale to an appropriate size when playing the game in 4K
  • Increased the size of the Squad Leader icon when playing the game in 4K
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘ammo check’ HUD icon would stretch and display incorrectly when playing the game in 4K
  • Fixed an issue where text in non-English localized versions of the game would overflow the black brushstrokes on the main menu
  • Fixed an issue where whilst loading into the main menu and pressing the ‘M’ key a blank overhead map would obscure the main menu and would not clear until a new map was loaded. This occured on launching the game and on disconnecting from a server
  • Fixed an issue where when selecting an item with the mouse wheel the widget would occasionally highlight two categories
  • Fixed an issue where the main menu would occasionally incorrectly state that a player was level 100 and would show the unlockable items for level 20
  • Fixed an issue on the tattoo section of the soldier customization screen where the white descriptive text was hard to read on the white background
  • Fixed an issue where the scoreboard widget would persist over the top of the round end screen and round start screen if a player held down the tab key as the round ended
  • Fixed an issue where the weapons inventory icons on the HUD became larger after a players first death on that server
  • Fixed an issue where if a player attempted to mantle over the top of an object that the Commander radio was on then the mantle icon would obscure the radio UI
  • Fixed an issue where hitting the ‘ESC’ key from the play menu wouldn’t bring the player back to the main menu as it does with all other menus
  • Fixed an issue where players who had the tactical view open had to toggle the tactical view in order to disable the paperdoll
  • Fixed an issue where players who were mounted on the DSKH had their name tags appear high above their heads
  • Fixed an issue on the helicopter pilot HUD where the warning text for ‘Destroyed Main Rotor’ and ‘Cannot Leave Vehicle’ overlapped each other if triggered at the same time
  • Fixed an issue on the helicopter pilot HUD where when resupplying ammo and repairing damage the indicative UI elements would overlap
  • Fixed an issue on the squad invite menu where a player’s current squad members were not grayed out
  • Fixed an issue where the overhead map and the scoreboard would overlap when both were opened, one will now close when the other is opened
  • Fixed an issue on the VOIP HUD where muted player name tags would still appear when they were talking
  • Fixed an issue where the counter which indicates the number of players in your squad would decrease by one when a player in your squad mounted a DShK
  • Fixed an issue where SL numbers would not be cleared from the Overhead Map when players moved off being Squad Leader
  • Fixed an issue where captured objectives didn’t get white outlines on the HUD until players toggled the tactical view

Web Admin
  • Fixed a web admin issue where revoked bans were not cleared after the server had travelled
  • Fixed a web admin issue where players who were session or permanently banned would have information missing on the banned player list
  • Fixed a web admin issue where expired members could not be canceled from or added to members
  • Fixed an issue in web admin where if a ping limit was set to anything between 1-99 the field would automatically be set to 100
  • Fixed an issue in web admin where under the Skirmish game type tab there was an option to go over the ‘16’ player limit
  • Fixed an issue in web admin where ‘Realism Mode’ was referred to as both ‘Play Style’ and ‘Realism Mode.’ To avoid confusion, this is now named ‘Realism Mode’ on all aspects of the menu

  • Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to connect to a server through the server browser, because the server menu would close and the player would be sent to the main menu
  • Fixed an issue where high server ping could result in hit detection issues
  • Fixed an issue where players who changed the value of the IronSightZoomScale in the ROGame.Ini file to anything lower than 1, caused the Type 56 rifle to incorrectly shoot above the hooped sight
  • Fixed an issue with the Japanese localization where the text in the server queue was incorrectly aligned and clipped out of the panel
  • Fixed an issue with the Russian, Japanese and Korean localization on the main menu where the text extended out beyond the text boxes
  • Fixed an issue with the French localization where the word ‘Public’ was not translated on VOIP or chat stream
  • Fixed an issue where a player attempting to connect to a server that they are already connected to would kick the player back to the Main Menu
  • Fixed an issue when, as a commander, if a single teammate was ready for deployment the UI would still refer to them as the pluralized Soldiers
  • Fixed the SMGs on the Australian Forces grenadier class being described as ‘sidearms’ in the Loadout Menu

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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