Sratego Servers joining PBBans

important news about the website or stratego game servers
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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

05 Sep 2008, 12:28

Since Sep-4th, 2008 Stratego Servers are becoming even stronger than before in battling cheaters and hackers around the globe trying to harm our fair game play at our servers. Joining the pbbans streaming network helps us and other participating server admins to fight in seconds against caught cheaters !

I hope this makes it rounds too, let everybody know about ... play @ Stratego Servers and feel safe about blocked cheats and hacks !

Quick copy & paste from the pbbans website, which explains exacly what this network is and can do for all players:

We now offer a multi-streaming option by using the new PBBans Hub. It features live banning, live banlist updates, live ban removals and more.

PBBans works with game server administrators, players, and subject matter experts to pool their experience and information about cheaters. As cheats are caught through PunkBuster™ violations, screenshots or demos, they are added to our Master Ban Index (MBI). The MBI can then be filtered and downloaded to suit each registered game server admin.

PBBans is a not only a private online community for game server administrators -- we welcome anyone seeking help with PunkBuster™ enabled games. Our goal is to educate server admin/players and stop online cheaters in their tracks. PunkBuster™ is a self-updating Anti-Cheat software system developed by Even Balance, Inc.


We at PBBans are constantly breaking new grounds in the anti-cheat world and have developed a user-friendly and trustworthy ban index. We will never place a ban on the MBI without proof from confirmed server administrators. The proof is indexed and stored at PBBans for future reference. Using our Master Player Index (MPI) you can look up any player and see a cross index of Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), Aliases, IP Addresses and bans as well as proof of any ban.
