Teamspeak 3 Changelog

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15 Dec 2017, 21:17

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=== Client Release 3.1.7 13 Dec 2017
* Added setting in Options/Design to disable tree tooltips as requested by user
  feedback. Tooltips are enabled by default.
* Added contextmenu to move bookmarks and identities between synchronized and
  local lists as usability improvement for sight-impaired users.
* Updated license agreement in installers.
* Various internal changes for our new server accounting system.
* Added support for percent-encoded server nicknames in ts3server:// links,
  invite dialog and chat.
* Use more reliable timestamp server for Windows code signing certificate.
* Refactored server nickname check and discard/apply behaviour in virtual
  server edit dialog.
* Overhauled TSDNS code to better integrate new server nicknames into the
  existing resolve process.
- Fixed rare possibility to lose synchronized items when myTeamSpeak server
  gets unresponsive.
- Fixed subscribe mode producing errors when connecting to servers where your
  subscription abilities are limited by permissions.
- Fixed empty license text in about dialog for non-german/english languages.
- Fixed possible rare crash when exiting the application on all platforms.
- Fixed possible crash on macOS in hotkey detection code.
- Fixed client freeze when trying to resolve a server nickname and backend
  is unavailable or slow.
- Fixed crash in bookmarks dialog found in crashdumps.

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28 May 2018, 19:03

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=== Client Release 3.1.9 04 May 2018
- Windows: Notify if microphone access is denied due to privacy settings
- Linux: Fix scrollwheel triggering mouse4/5

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=== Client Release 3.1.8 22 Jan 2018
- Fixed disconnect on invalid connection info data.
- Fixed macOS application bundle which caused the client to not start on
  case-sensitive file systems.
- Hardened Linux startscript to better find installed SSL certificates. If no
  SSL certificates are found, don't crash the client on start but show
  meaningful error message (but we still cannot run without SSL certificates).
- Fixed critical messagebox very early in the startup process, which tried to
  load an icon before the zip archive was initialized.
- Fixed to badges parser which failed to limit shown badges to three with
  invalid input.
- Fixed creating bookmark folders in bookmarks manager.

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15 Jun 2018, 15:14

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=== Client Release 3.1.10 09 Jun 2018
+ Introducing our new TeamSpeak Logo.

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19 Aug 2018, 14:39

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=== Client Release 3.2.1 14 Aug 2018
! Improved connecting to myTeamSpeak service

=== Client Release 3.2.0 13 Aug 2018
! Dropped support for pre 3.1.0 TeamSpeak servers.
+ Introducing myTeamSpeak integrations for Twitch. Link your Twitch account
  with your myTeamSpeak account and enjoy special benefits on TeamSpeak
  servers of your subscribed Twitch streamers. This requires sending along
  your myTeamSpeak ID, enabling the server to check if your account is
  subscribed to the Streamer.
+ improved server tree performance.
- fixed bug where the client show the wrong client info if the client loads
  multiple icons
- Various myTeamSpeak Sync bug fixes and improvements.
- Client does not show a myTeamspeak ID error anymore when connecting to a pre
  3.3.0 server.
- minor fix in myTeamSpeak ID creation if requested by multiple clients.
+ Added proper error handling for integrations if the TeamSpeak server has a 
  huge time difference.
- Server integration cache is updated properly even if the integration was
  deleted and added again while connected.
- Fixed problem assigning the desired groups when logging in to an account
  while connected to a TeamSpeak server.
- Updated handling in myTeamSpeak options tab in case of connection issues.
- Fixed sorting of groups in server integration drop down box.
- Privilege key error dialog now only appears once when using an invalid key.
+ Improved server integration management dialog. Does not resize to the
  content anymore.
- Fixed german translation.
- Fixed behavior where the client didn't show an error message if a problem
  occurs while manipulating server integrations.
- Made styling for server integration management dialog possible.
- Fixed crash that occures when the client request the Twitch subscription
- Fixed error where the client does not handle a myTeamSpeakID update properly.
* Smaller updates in connection initialisation handling.

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14 Oct 2018, 21:23

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=== Client Release 3.2.2 17 Sep 2018
! Fixed client freeze when plugins are using voice callbacks.
! Cancel myTeamSpeak ID validation if there is no encryption key present.
- Fixed problems with myTeamSpeak ID update.
- Fixed Sync state handling if encryption was not set up.
- myTeamSpeak ID is now properly updated after using sync fallback.

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28 Apr 2019, 17:34

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=== Client Release 3.2.5 17 Apr 2019
- Fixed Qt security vulnerability

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25 Jun 2019, 19:22

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=== Client Release 3.3.0 - 18 Jun 2019
! Updated Qt framework to 5.12 LTS releases.
! Updated Opus codec to version 1.3 to introduce lots of quality improvements,
  new features, and bug fixes.
! This version of the TeamSpeak Client requires macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or later.
! The HTML style tag is no longer supported in infoframe templates. All addon
  authors should use the <stylename>_chat.qss file for CSS style definitions
! Updated Plugin API version to 23.
* Increased size limit for text messages to 8 KiB.
* Updated easy-permission templates to use Opus instead of Speex/CELT codecs.
* Spacer tags in channel names will now be omitted in infoframe templates.
* Improved pagination support for banlist and clientdblist for plugin API.
+ Added additional variables to infoframe templates.
+ Implemented multi-select for clients in the servertree.
+ Implemented multi-track recording feature, to allow recording each client's 
  audio stream independently.
+ Added support for signed badges to prevent usage of fake data. Note, that
  this feature requires TeamSpeak Server version 3.8.0 or later.
+ Added support for URL tagging in incoming text messages.
+ Added support for myTeamSpeak ID bans in virtual server banlist.
+ Added support for Windows tiles. Thanks to our user RandomHost for providing
  the material.
+ Added support for updated license types (Gamer, Commercial, Sponsorship).
+ Added invoker data for onPluginCommandEvent(). Note, that server-side support
  for this API change will be introduced with TeamSpeak Server version 3.9.0.
- Fixed a freeze in easy-permission settings when switching between different
- Fixed a bug where default profiles could be deleted in settings.
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps.
missing Teamspeak Server update notes:

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## Server Release 3.9.1 2 July 2019

### Fixed
- Fixed a TeamSpeak Server crash.

## Server Release 3.9.0 24 June 2019

### Added
- Support for new license types (Gamer, Commercial, Sponsorship).
- `clientaddservergroup` and `clientdelservergroup` allowing to add and remove one
  or more server groups to a client.

### Changed
- `servergroupaddclient` and `servergroupdelclient` allow to add and remove one
  or more clients to a server group.
- `quit` can be used while being flood banned.
- `channeledit`, `channelpermlist` and `custominfo` return 
  more appropriate error codes.
- `servertemppasswordadd` does not allow a zero duration.
- Parsing of boolean parameters has been made more restrictive.
- Plugin command notifications contain invoker data.

### Fixed
- QueryAdmin-Password and ServerAdmin-Token are printed again, when starting the
  TeamSpeak 3 Server using the startscript or with the daemon parameter.
- A crash related to 'set_option: Bad file descriptor' has been fixed.
- Temporary passwords are being checked for clients with the
  ignore server password priviledge. 
- A bug where some ServerQuery notifications were sent twice after using
- `serverlist -short -uid` works as expected now.
- `clientlist -badges` shows all client badges again.
- Startscript checks if instance is already running.
- Server did not start any longer on some Linux systems 
  Thank you 'Ragyal'.

=== Server Release 3.8.0 28 May 2019

Important: This release requires GNU C library (glibc) 2.17 or later on Linux. If you need to
           check which version of glibc is installed on your system, you can use `ldd --version`,
           which usually comes with any glibc installation.
Important: Client badge information is now signed to prevent using fake data. Badges in the old
           format will not be visible on this server.
           TeamSpeak Client version 3.3.0 with support for signed badges will be available soon.

Added: The query command `banlist` now supports optional pagination parameters.
       Please refer to the ServerQuery documentation for details.
Added: Temporary passwords are now stored in the database and will be loaded on start.
Added: New command line parameters 'daemon' and 'pid_file'. This makes it possible
       to start the server as a daemon.
Added: Channel properties and permissions to support channel banners.
       This feature requires TeamSpeak Client version 5.

Changed: The startscript restart parameter now allows to use more than one parameter.
Changed: New server logs are no longer created with a BOM.
Changed: Server / channel icons will not display as negative values anymore in ServerQuery.
Changed: ServerQuery commands `clientlist -ip` and `clientinfo` won't display brackets around IPv6
         addresses of clients anymore.
Changed: Max size of text messages has been increased to 8 KiB for improved usability in upcoming
         TeamSpeak Client releases.

Fixed: Reduced packet loss on systems under high load.
Fixed: In some rare case the server did crash when shutting down a virtual server.
Fixed: The startscript restart parameter could not be used when ran outside the server directory.
Fixed: Server did report the ability to create channels to the weblist in cases where a client
       could not create any channel.
Fixed: No more 'Error querying client connection info: 1796' messages in the client log.
Fixed: Server freezes related to heavy server usage.
Fixed: Critical log messages on startup do not create cores.

=== Server Release 3.7.1 28 March 2019
Changed: Improved modification prevention of unique server identifier

Fixed: Regression of permission bypass checks.
Fixed: A rare crash when using the ServerQuery.

=== Server Release 3.7.0 19 March 2019
Important: Future releases of the Linux server will require glibc 2.17 or newer.
           Any older version will not be supported anymore.

Added: New experimental features for the upcoming TeamSpeak 5 Client.
Added: Server now logs when deleting someone else's avatar.
Added: The IP address of a connecting Se
Query client is now logged.
Added: The query commands `clientlist -ip` and `clientinfo` show the IP address
       of connected query clients.
Added: Restricted the amount of possible ServerQuery connections to five per IP.
       Whitelisted IPs ignore this limit, and the limit can be changed using
       `instanceedit serverinstance_serverquery_max_connections_per_ip=<limit>`
       in the ServerQuery.

Changed: Updated default license to be valid until the 31st of January 2020.
Changed: ServerQuery clients will no longer have their IP address added to the
         default nickname.
Changed: The query command `privilegekeyadd` will no longer create privilege
         keys for query groups.

Fixed: Improved speed of clientdblist.
Fixed: Unicode support in interactive query ssh sessions.
Fixed: IP-Location database is up to date again.
Fixed: Server crash when a client sent a malformed login.
Fixed: Broken ban pattern matches on older Linux platforms.

Removed: Legacy codecs (Speex, CELT) can no longer be selected when creating
         or editing channels. Support for these codecs will be removed with
         future server releases.
Removed: Permission 'b_client_issue_client_query_command' was removed, because
         it was not being used for anything.

=== Server Release 3.6.1 30 january 2019
Fixed: Adding a client channel permission will set the correct values again.
Fixed: Fixed server crash related to adding a lot of server queries.

=== Server Release 3.6.0 22 january 2019
Added: Crashes on Windows and Linux will create dumps in the new "crashdumps" directory.
Added: New query commands for adding, removing and listing of server query logins.
       * queryloginadd  => adds new query logins
       * querylogindel  => delete an existing query login
       * queryloginlist => list the query logins
       For more information use `help <command>` in the query.

Changed: SSH-Query is enabled by default.
         To disable it start the server with "query_protocols=raw" 
Changed: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not needed anymore.
Changed: Improved query history for ssh connections.

Fixed: Privilege keys are again deleted when used.
Fixed: Server crashed on older Linux kernels on startup.
Fixed: "Failed to register local accounting service" should happen less often on windows.

=== Server Release 3.5.1 18 december 2018
Fixed: Exploits that allowed to bypass permission checks.
       The exploits allowed to gain talk power and channel commander temporarily,
       to set their own avatar and client descriptions,
       and made it possible to prevent a client ban.

=== Server Release 3.5.0 29 october 2018
Added: Option added to ban users via mytsid or for not having a mytsid.
       Example: banadd mytsid=AaqQu8Z/CzDMxRZ87P5oWpYempDPoO9K3l3VErhVPo+j banreason=banned\smytsid
       Example: banadd mytsid=empty banreason=banned\severyone\sthat\sdoesn't\shave\sa\smytsi
Added: Ability for the the commands 'clientinfo', clientdbinfo, 'clientgetids', 'clientgetdbidfromuid', 'clientgetnamefromuid', 
       'clientgetnamefromdbid' and 'clientgetuidfromclid' to send more then one query at the same time.

Removed: Permission 'b_serverinstance_version_view' and 'i_needed_modify_power_serverinstance_version_view'
         and access to the 'version' command can not be restricted anymore.
Removed: Permission 'b_channel_create_private'. This feature never made it into the server.

Fixed: Privilegekeys remain valid when used by a user that can not receive the group in question.
Fixed: The command 'privilegekeydelete' returns 'ok_no_update' now, when the key did not exist in the first place.
Fixed: Privilegekeys that contain non printable ASCII characters are now rejected before checking in the database.
Fixed: Mistakes in the 'server_quickstart' and in the server query documentation have been removed.
Fixed: Trying to delete a virtual server with id '0' will result in 'server_invalid_id' now.

=== Server Release 3.4.0 10 september 2018
Added: New parameter 'client_nickname' for the 'use' command, allows setting the nickname of query clients before they become visible on the server.
Added: Added new parameter 'version' for the linux/mac/freebsd servers, that returns the version of the server and then exits. 
       Does not work with '' unfortunately.
Changed: The Server enforces the maximum number of clients.
Changed: The 'sendPluginCommand' has gotten its own flood protection, and wont trigger flood protection for the rest of the client anymore.
         It is controlled by the new 'virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_plugin_block' variable, its default value of 0 means 
         that the same limit as 'virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block' is being used.

=== Server Release 3.3.1 20 august 2018
Added: snapshots now save and restore the total connection count of clients.
Fixed: When you send only whitespace to the server query, it will continue accepting commands now.
Fixed: Moved certain ban related log messages from instance log to the server log where they should have been all along.
Fixed: The query commands customset and customdelete work with mariadb now.
Fixed: In rare cases the server crashed, when a client disconnected from server query system.

=== Server Release 3.3.0 1 august 2018
Added: We are proud to introduce myTeamSpeak integrations for Twitch. With it you can link your Twitch account
       with myTeamSpeak and configure the Server to give every twitch subscriber and follower a group when he joins the server.
       It will be taken away automatically, should the user unsubscribe or unfollow again.
Added: We added SSH for the server query... that took a while, didn't it?
       To enable start the server with "query_protocols=raw,ssh", and connect to port 10022.
       A few points of note:
       * the ssh support comes with new command line parameters, see doc/server_quickstart.txt for more information.
       * we also added history, tab-completion and keyboard shortcuts like killing, yanking and searching.
       * there is a maximum of 4096 characters per input line. We might fix that in a later version.
       * Bot or admin tools connecting over ssh should not allocate a PTY, giving access to the good old query, 
         just encrypted - and without the 4096 characters limit per input line.
       * We overhauled server query flooding. It is now more forgiving, allowing for naive implementations that still run fast.
Added: The new commandline option 'serverquerydocs_path' allows to override where the server is looking for the 
       serverquerydocs directory. Not particularly interesting we know, but it allows us to fix the 'help' command 
       in docker images, finally.

Fixed: We added a fix for those annoying instance check errors on Windows. Might not catch all cases though, keep those reports coming.
Fixed: The channel_needed_subscribe_power finally shows the actual power needed to subscribe to a channel, and not just 0.
Fixed: As some have already noted, the last release broke client_lastconnected, so we unbroke it for this release.

=== Server Release 3.2.0 14 may 2018
Added: In light of the recent attacks that have been discovered, we took a closer look to make sure
       we haven't missed anything and prevent some possible future attacks.
Added: We have enabled the use of unicode emojis 🎉, we hope to see some creative use on your servers. 🐵
       This works in all places where the server deals with text, nicknames, channel names, chat etc.
Added: Query commands customset and customdelete for custom client properties, making those just so much more usable.
Added: The query commands serverstop and serverprocessstop now have a new optional parameter to tell your users why it's stopping. No more hardcoded message.
       serverstop sid=123 reasonmsg=BeRightBack!

Changed: Improved regex matching in the ban manager, it now properly handles UTF-8 characters.
         Old style regex matching like .*(&#128520).* was actually a bug and is not supported anymore. 
         Sorry but you have to change those to use the correct regex escape sequence,
         for the example above it would be .*(\uD83D\uDE08).*
Changed: The server does not report all slots filled when only reserved slots are left.

Fixed: When using a privilege key the custom values of the user are not overwritten anymore.
Fixed: At some point we apparently removed logging of file deletions. It's back now.
Fixed: Successful server query logins were logged regardless of query logging settings, sorry about that spam.

Removed: CLIENT_ICON_ID from clientdbinfo.

=== Server Release 3.1.3  30 april 2018
 + Fixed a potential crash on malicious incoming traffic.

=== Server Release 3.1.2  24 april 2018
 + Better handling of nonlinear system clocks.
 + Fixed crash on malicious incoming traffic.

=== Server Release 3.1.1  26 february 2018
 - Fixed a bug that prevented the 3.1 server from running on older CPUs.

=== Server Release 3.1.0  14 february 2018
 ! Before you run the teamspeak 3 server it is required that you agree to our license. This license
   can be found in the file "license.txt" or "LICENSE" (depending on your platform), which is
   located in the same location as the ts3server binary (the main folder). If, after reading it,
   you agree to the license, this can be indicated in one of three ways:
   1: Create a file called ".ts3server_license_accepted" in the current working directory. The
      contents of this file are irrelevant and can be empty. For example on linux do:
      touch .ts3server_license_accepted
   2: Start the ts3server with the commandline parameter "license_accepted" set to 1. For example:
      ts3server license_accepted=1
   3: Set the OS environment variable TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "accept". For example on Windows:
      set TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept
 ! New accounting subsystem. Please read accounting.txt in the docs folder.
 ! Windows xp and vista support has been dropped.
 - Fixed a bug where a channel could be created with a password without the needed permission.
 - fixed some performance issues when copying a server group
 * Accounting server Documentation updated
 + New property 'virtualserver_nickname' allowing to add the server nickname
   into the server settings. Changes to the new property are only possible by
   users with the new 'virtualserver_nickname' permission.
 + New parameter 'wait_until_ready' in ts3db_mariadb.ini that specifies in
   seconds how long the ts3server should wait for the database to become
 * Released under new license. See accompanying license file.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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29 Aug 2019, 10:42

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=== Client Release 3.3.2 - 26 Aug 2019
- Fixed a crash when calling specific plugin API functions reported by t4styy.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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21 Mar 2020, 16:22

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=== Client Release 3.5.0 - 19 Mar 2020
! Updated Plugin API version to 24.
+ Added new voice activity detection modes (Automatic, Volume Gate, Hybrid).
+ Added automatic voice volume leveling option in playback settings.
+ Added typing attenuation feature to try to reduce the sounds made by typing.
+ Added comfort noise feature to add synthetic background noise to fill the 
  artificial silence while being connected to a TeamSpeak Server.
+ Added optional -connect commandline parameter to specify an address for 
  auto-connecting on startup (example: Some
  additional parameters can be used to provide more details (-pw, -nickname, 
  -channel, -channelid, -channelpw, -newtab, -mytsid, -showqueryclients, 
  -capture, -playback, -hotkeys).
+ Added support for upcoming TeamSpeak Server releases using a PostgreSQL
  database backend.
+ Added hotkeys to assign, revoke or toggle specific server groups based on 
  current group memberships (e.g. mute clients in a specific raid group).
+ Added volume toolbox widget for quick access to microphone volume gate,
  overall and individual client volume levels.
+ Added convenience variables and options to infoframe templates.
+ Added active badge showcase to client infoframe templates.
+ Added design option to show/hide client badges in server tree.
+ Added server/channel group icons to client context menus.
* Moved server/channel group IDs to tooltips in permission settings.
* Improved client context menu to filter inaccessible groups and permission
  related tools.
* Improved echo cancellation and noise reduction systems.
* Improved error handing for multi-track recording.
* Infoframe templates now support "??" modifier for variables to prevent their
  value from being shown so they can be used conditionally to determine whether
  or not a specific line should be hidden (e.g. %%??CLIENT_FLAG_AWAY%%).
* Remote icon list is now sorted by upload date/time rather than icon ID.
* Qt color roles can now be customized in themes (e.g. for hyperlinks).
- Removed AGC from audio capture settings in favour of playback AGC.
- Fixed a bug where mutli-track recordings could cause a crash when clients
  join or leave your channel.
- Fixed a bug where multi-track recordings were not saved on server shutdown.
- Fixed a bug where custom displaynames for clients were shown in infoframe
  even when it was equal to the nickname of the client in view.
- Fixed a bug where default capture/playback profiles could not be switched.
- Fixed a bug where deactivated plugins were loaded when launching the client.
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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23 Mar 2020, 08:39

Server sides updates happened as well, today´s latest (v3.12.0) installed by now.

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## Server Release 3.12.0 18 March 2020

### Important
- New feature WebQuery that allows user to access to query system using http(s) and json. 

### Added
- New query commands `apikeyadd`, `apikeydel` and `apikeylist`
  for managing API keys used in WebQuery
- New permissions `b_virtualserver_apikey_add` and `b_virtualserver_apikey_manage` that restrict who can create/delete/list API keys.
- New possible value for parameter `query_protocols` named `http` and `https` that enables WebQuery
- New parameters `query_http_ip` and `query_http_port` that define where WebQuery can be reached, default is all interfaces on port `10080`
- New parameters `query_https_ip` and `query_https_port` that define where WebQuery can be reached, default is all interfaces on port `10443`

### Changed
- macOS 10.14 Mojave is required from now on
- Raised version of snapshots and added support for API keys 

### Fixed
- Whisper bug that resulted in users not being able to receive whispers
- Removed requirement of having a cpu with POPCNT for 32bit version, and added an appropriate error message for the 64bit version
- Deploying snapshots will import client and channel permissions, again

## Server Release 3.11.0 15 January 2020

### Important
-  Channel with deprecated codecs (Speex/CELT) are being updated to use Opus instead.

### Added
- The query command `privilegekeylist` also returns the `token_customset` now.
- The query command `channellist` has a new option `-banners`

### Changed
- Because of degraded performance on larger servers, the new hint system has been disabled per default.
- Made further improvements to timeout and latency handling for larger servers.

### Fixed
- Adding or removing user in ServerQuery groups may have returned invalid error codes.
- Changing `serverinstance_guest_serverquery_group` properly ensures only
  ServerQuery groups can be assigned.

## Server Release 3.10.2 20 November 2019

### Fixed
- No more `invalid parameter` when user had no active TeamSpeak-Account (myTS).
- Using the initial privilege key on login resulted in a crash.

## Server Release 3.10.1 18 November 2019

### Fixed
- Whispers check `i_client_whisper_power` and `i_client_needed_whisper_power` permissions again.

## Server Release 3.10.0 6 November 2019

### Important
- TeamSpeak Client 3.3.0 or later is needed to connect to this and upcoming server

### Added
- New channel property `channel_unique_identifier` that contains a channel UID that 
  is unchanged by snapshot import/exports.
- New compressed snapshot format that is easier to use.
- New optional parameter `-keepfiles` for `serversnapshotdeploy` that doesn't delete 
  files of channels that exist in the snapshot and on the server.
- New optional parameter `password` to snapshot commands for specifying an optional 
  password to encrypt the snapshot. The password is always being omitted from the 
  log files.
- New command line parameter `hints_enabled`(defaults to `1`).
  When enabled, the server will send permission hints to clients, that allows clients
  to know, if certain actions are likely to succeeded or not.

### Changed
- New embedded default license is valid until the 1st of July 2020.
- Improved TeamSpeak Server performance, and reduced packet loss on very busy servers.
- Allocation of client IDs has been changed.
- Permission `i_ft_file_delete_power` is now required to overwrite a file.

### Fixed
- "Server Admin Token" has been renamed to "Server Admin Privilege Key" in the new 
  server window.
- Fixed a few potential crashes.
- Fixed database error when getting the same custom property assigned twice on MariaDB.
- Fixed `clientgetids` incorrectly returning `database empty result set` when more then 
  one client was connected with the queried `cluid`.

## Server Release 3.9.1 2 July 2019

### Fixed
- Fixed a TeamSpeak Server crash.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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