TS3 Updates and New Screenshots

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

07 Nov 2008, 11:48

[img]http://www.clusterwars.net/userpix/2_ba ... 8x60_1.jpg[/img]

Hi everybody,

Here we are again with exciting news regarding the latest TeamSpeak 3 developments. Lots of progress has been made in the last several months. You might have seen that on our website we now have the TeamSpeak 3 Software Development Kit available by request, so we have been getting lots of inquiries there and we also have been working with numerous companies interested in TeamSpeak 3 voice integration for a while now. The stability and availability of the SDK shows that the core TeamSpeak 3 components are almost finished. All the basic features are available and the frequency of errors or crashes is low. Currently our programming time is devoted to clean up work and finishing touches. Also, some more advanced features are being finished.

On a different note we are currently searching for a few additional Alpha testers. Note that we are looking only for qualified, experienced Linux and Mac users - as opposed to those that use Windows primarily. Those of you who are interested, please check out the following application form and be sure to read the requirements very carefully before considering to apply.


One more thing that many of you have been asking for...we can now present you with a screenshot of the full TeamSpeak 3 Client, as we have managed to clean up the interface and icons enough to be able to present something that looks a little more polished, but bare in mind that this is still work in progress and is NOT necessarily indicative of the final product. We will be spending more work and time improving the look and feel aspect before we go public.

WINDOWS client

[img]http://www.clusterwars.net/userpix/2_ts ... _win_1.jpg[/img]

MAC client

[img]http://www.clusterwars.net/userpix/2_ts ... _mac_1.jpg[/img]

Linux client

[img]http://www.clusterwars.net/userpix/2_ts ... inux_2.jpg[/img]

Stay tuned - and we hope to get to know some of you as our new Linux/Mac closed Alpha testers!

Peter Kirk on Oct 31, 2008
Teamspeak Developer Blog

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

25 Nov 2009, 12:49


With some delay I still want to point your attention to "recent" news about Teamspeak 3.

As it seems we are still going to get a BETA release of TS3 in 2009. I am really looking forward checking it out and if the beta will perform better than the current TS2, especially in regards to voice quality and latency issues, the immediate switch to a TS3 server will be involved.

Check this copy & paste from the TS homepage in english:

We are pleased to announce OPEN BETA TESTING of the TeamSpeak 3 client and server will commence:

SATURDAY DEC 19th, 2009

13:37 CET (Central European Time)

07:37 EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Both the TeamSpeak 3 Client and Server will be available for download and testing on the following platforms:

Windows (32bit and 64bit)

Mac OS X (Intel and PPC)

Linux (32bit and 64bit)

We have received numerous queries regarding whether TeamSpeak 3 will be compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 and in short, both client and server WILL be compatible with these operating systems.


If you like to spend about 20 minutes learning whats new in TS3, checkout the following youtube podcast, in English btw. ...

<object width="480" height="295"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

<object width="480" height="295"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

I will keep you posted as soon this "project" evolves further.


Wenn auch etwas verzögert, so möchte ich doch gerne noch auf Neuigkeiten im Bereich Teamspeak 3 hinweisen.

Aktuell kann man optimistisch sein, dass wir doch noch in diesem Jahr eine Teamspeak 3 Beta Version zur Verfügung haben werden. Sollte der Release wirklich stattfinden, werde ich umgehend einen TS 3 Server installieren und sollte sich herausstellen das TS 3 wie versprochen wirklich besser sein wird im Vergleich zu TS 2, vor allem im Bereich zur Sprachqualität und Verzögerungen, so ist der Wechsel zu TS 3 Beta die logische Folge.

Informationen direkt von der TS Homepage:

Wir freuen uns hiermit das Datum für den Start des OFFENEN BETA TESTS der TeamSpeak 3 Client- und Serversoftware offiziell bekanntgeben zu können:


13:37 CET (Central European Time)

07:37 EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Sowohl der TeamSpeak 3 Client als auch der Server werden für folgende Plattformen zum Test verfügbar sein:

Windows (32bit and 64bit)

Mac OS X (Intel und PPC)

Linux (32bit und 64bit)

Wir haben viele Anfragen zur Kompatibilität von TeamSpeak 3 zu Windows 7 und Windows Server 2008 erhalten. Um es kurz zu machen: Client und Server sind vollständig kompatibel zu beiden Betriebssystemen.


Im englischen Textbereich findet ihr Youtube Verweise, welche zwei Podcasts in Englisch darstellen und über mehr Details informieren. Ich habe aktuell darauf verzichtet dies in eine Liste zusammenzufassen. Die meissten Details sind nicht unbedingt für den "normalen" Anwender interessant.

Sollte es weitere Neuigkeiten geben, dann sprechen wir uns hier wieder.


=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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=]RC[= BooZer’s avatar

04 Dec 2009, 21:18

Tja ... cool - wäre ja wirklich net schlecht, wenn es z.B. im Bereich der Voice-Verzögerung eine gewisse Verbesserung geben würde. Aber dafür mußte man sicherlich nicht mit der Programmiersprache von Delphi zu C++ wechseln ... :lol:

Stay Rough & Clever forever!

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