How to play on our #BF2 Training Server ?

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

12 Sep 2008, 16:16

Installing BF2 Singleplayer/Coop All-in-one Pack
Why bother? Because, regular coop games published by EA/DICE only have 16-player maps, so definitely no aircrafts. That is, you cannot practice bombing with your gunners and you can't practice as a gunner either. For one, the bots don't fly very well nor are they any good as gunners. Try take a bot as your gunner, and you will find that they will jump out as soon as you run into the deserter's zone. Secondly, even in the Airshow maps, the bots do fly decently, they don't chase you in the vertical, i.e. pull up and you will shake them. So, you can't really practice/experiment with how to evade bandit on six.Thirdly, it's very valuable to practice bombing and strafing moving targets, instead of learning it the hard way, i.e. get shot at on a ranked game. Fourthly, the bots, although dumb, are excellent shots. Don't believe me? Try see how good the bots are at using mobile AAs. You just have to slip up a little bit and you will get missiles up your tail pipes.

You will need to create a BF2 mod (don't worry, all easy today and it does not harm your default installation in any way).

Download from our local download center the BF2 Singleplayer/Coop All-in-One Pack . There are plenty out there in the field, however I decided to use the BF2all64 modification. And of course your client needs to run the same modifications like the server in order to be able to connect.

This mod first of all functions well, is easy to be installed and in addition allows you to run all maps even in your private single player mode at home. But the better way to learn the maps and vehicles is to join the Training Server and run a little competition from time to time. :roll:

In addition this modification allows to run all up to date releases as of today on all:

- BF2 standard maps + Highway Tampa
- BF2 Euro Force + Amored Fury xtra packs

Installed versions of DICE's Euro Forces and Armored Fury are still required to play the boosterpack maps in BF2ALL64.
You can use BF2ALL64 without owning DICE's Euro Forces and Armored Fury - you just can't start/use then the boosterpack maps in BF2ALL64.

Once you downloaded the mentioned setup executable, just run and the installer will guide you smoothly through the complete installation. It will create (if you allow it) two additional desktop icons. One called BotChanger, which allows you to specify the bot amount and power if you like to run a single player session on the maps. The BF2ALL64 icon itself launches your local BF2 installation immediately pointing to the new mod folder. You will see under single player mission all mentioned maps with the different amount of bots enabled.

Connecting to STRATEGO [RC] #BF2all64-Training Server
It does not really matter if you run your original BF2 installation or if you start immediately the modded BF2ALL64 edition (fastest solution). Either ways you will be able to connect to our server. Open the Multiplayer screen, make sure to have your filter settings easy, for example of course the server is without ranking or not empty and such, select COOP as the choice of servers to be listed and hit update.

Alternatively you can copy and past our IP address from the main page server status display provided by GameTracker.

Password protection is removed by now, this server is free and open to everyone, but of course only functions with the BF2all64 mod installed as explained earlier.

If you encounter any further questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me directly. Of course you require an active registration here out our boards in order to be entitled to send a PM or email to me.

Enjoy !

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

24 Sep 2009, 10:35

With the release of Bf2 v1.5 our v1.41 Training server was shut down. Either ways I keep this posting up in case somebody is still interested how to setup a 1.41 enhanced single player mode.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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